u can choose uR own flowers n u caN deCoRate n letak sesuka hati menurut minat masing-masing....try it ur self n u absoluteLY can SAVE MORE by doinG on uR own...hehehehe..
a. RoSes :
DiaMeteR : 7cm : , 5cm : , 3cm:
b. SuNFloWeRS
SiZe : DiameTer - 6-7 cm
Color : Yellow, GreeN, Pink, Orange, ChoClate, GoLD.
Hiii there...we're seLLing vaRiety of Favor boxes made from Indonesia with Flowers on toP of it...also selLing otheR SouVenieR From IndoNesia..as cHeaP as like u were shoPPing in Jakarta & banDung...
Asmarina bt Abbas ED 959559770 MY HazfaneezaED 959559695 MY Arni Diryana ED 959559678 MY Norul AzmarED959559797 MY NoriaH isMailED 959559837 MY Elyani Zamri ED 9595559718 MY Nor AzianED 959559735 MY Siti Aminah ED 959559752 MY
LeaVe a Msg here or JusT directlY email Me >> keenmunir@yahoo,com
{ You Need To Know That }
1.WHAT MAKES OUR PRODUCTS SPECIAL from others is because all the products were handmade and directly order from the workshop here in Indonesia+ the favor box here is the CHEAPEST BOX in town WITH THIS STYLE & DECORATIONS..trust me..
2. MINIMAL AMOUNT TO ORDERis 300pcs for each products
3.DELIVERYwill Be directly from Indonesia to ur Home n u juz have to pay for the postaL charge only FOR ONLY RM /pcs
4. PAYMENTthat u will pay is the total price for the box/ souveniers + the postal charge ONLY